Initially I started doing research on sizes - mainly for the lab since I had no impression of how big things are nor what areas are necessary. From the precedents I found and some documents providing average measurements, layout and grid system and started working from the information I had gathered, trying to adapt it to my own brief and design.
I later cut out pieces in the right sizes provided from my research and played with different plan layouts - I picked out one plan I liked for the lab and 3 for the flat units. The plan is to continue working out different plans for each part of the building and mixing and matching them on a site-map in the same scale later to get a sense of context and how each part play with others.
Here is a close-up on the plans I have made so far.
The lab plan is a modular floor that will be repeated throughout the higher floors in the building. I did som quick calculations and realised I will need another staircase, preferably right under the public education area to meet the building regulations regarding fire safety - something I will look into in more detail further into the progress.
The different housing units are for
1) Short-term visitors with acessability needs for a conference
2) Single Long term apartment for lab staff
3) Short-term visitor for conference
I will continue working on these plans and come up with units for
1) Long-term family apartment
2) Single short-term rooms with accessibility needs
In studio I started sketching different facades and how materials might play with each other and itself. This was purely an experiment and I hope to maybe test some ideas out as a detail model.
I also had a initial look at how the slope on the site may sit with the building. I will this week look in more detail of a site-section to see how steep the slope actually is.